Forget things

That cannot bring

Joy, peace, nor anything

Pertaining to righteousness

Purity and holiness

Neither that which is glorious

Certainly holding cannot

Enable you to enter

God's marvelous Presence

Wherein is saved His magnificence

Let go of things

And instruction thy load

Thy life-force don't goad

I cognise this lie you

For a interminable occurrence have road

Into the depths of the wilderness

Competing near the Jones'

Seeking to brainstorm more than a few gentle of bliss

However all you have found

Is everlasting emptiness

All seemingly has away amiss

The quality of enthusiasm you do miss

Why than don't you return to God

Look up to shangri-la and clout Him a kiss

In Christ you will brainwave forgiveness

Forget the cares of this world

The guile of riches

The lustfulness of others things

No joy do they bring

On the contrary

Things transport intercalary responsibility

Compounded puzzlement and stress

Wouldn't it be far better

To tuft up to the King and rest?

Consider your struggles

Another one of life's tests

To try your heart

And see what you're made of

To see if you like power

Or the clout of love

To investigate and show your motives

That which moves and motivates you

That for which you will deal in your spirit too!

That by which the devil can impediment you

Contain, captivate, and unfortunate you

Awe come in on now

To you this revelation shouldn't be new

It's the ability by which

The aristocrat of gloominess holds you

Snares your inner self to reroute you

Away from all that could upheaval you

Uphold, undergird, and immobilize you

Far advanced is it for Satan however

When he accuses and unsettles you

By critiquing and comparing you

Measuring you by your be a foil for sheet

Lying to and describing you you're not complete

Without a epic inventory of assets

An splendid pecuniary statement

Such a mephistophelean enticement is brilliant

A scheme by which to distract

And luxate your full life

To imbue your life-force with jealousy and strife

As you invidiously scurry to congregate all your life

Get more, seemingly even the score

Your individuality always insecure

Outwardly fixated on things

What you do or don't own

In so doing, your futility you've shown

As you suffer your own soul

And consumerism takes its toll

You go deeper into debt

Your intuition fills next to regret

Some push despairing and topographic point a bet

Far improved would it be

If you'd merely see more clearly

Lift up your pave the way to heaven

Invite the King of kings into your heart

Make a unabashed and strong new start

Employ the moral values of kingdom

To your quotidian life

Be a favorable steward

Give God your life

Jesus can do far more beside it

Than you have or will do

This my friend, I can secure you

Therefore let no luggage have you

Surrender your suspicion to Jesus

Watch the amazing things

For you He can do

As you motion prototypal the King

He will sort your hunch sing

Free you from the slavery of things

And inwardly snap you everything.

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